12 Apr Is AMB Credit Consultants Just Another Lame Credit Repair Scam?
Read Carefully Before Enrolling into ANY Credit Repair Company … Lots of Instagram and Facebook Fuss over this company!
Over the years, the credit repair industry has earned a bad reputation – and rightfully so. There are many companies out there whose only intentions are to take from our hard working citizens, rather than to actually help them. There are many credit repair companies out there whose only intentions are to do the very bare minimum so that they can “say” that they’ve performed their service in order to justify payment and yet, only to have delivered crappy results. Thus, they’re no different from the so-called, fly-by-night credit repair companies out there scamming people. Is AMB Credit Consultants just like them as well?
In case you haven’t already heard, AMB Credit Consultants is stirring up quite a buzz on Facebook. They’re now the new talk of Instagram as well. With more than 113,000+ Instagram followers and thousands of Facebook fans too, consumers are speaking up about this credit repair company and sharing their experiences and results with others, more now than ever. Why?
It’s because AMB Credit Consultants is not like any of the other credit repair companies out there. Here’s nine extremely valuable reasons they differ from the rest, how they benefit their clients, and why they have everyone talking about them on Facebook & Instagram:
(1) Education First – AMB Credit puts education above everything else in its program. They believe in “empowering” you with knowledge on how to understand your credit reports and scores as well as how to maintain your good credit once achieved. In fact, many other credit repair companies despise them for this.
(2) No Pushy Salesman – AMB Credit Reps are not sales people! Can you believe that? They’re not there to sell you. They believe that their countless testimonials, their countless dispute results (which are posted publicly), and their outstanding customer service & professionalism are more than enough to convince anyone that they are the right people to help you. So if you call looking to find someone trying to convince you to enroll, then you’ll be disappointed. They’ll hand you the facts and allow you to make the intelligent decision as to what’s best for you and how to move forward.
(3) Clients Must Qualify – Not just anyone can qualify to work with AMB. Not only are you required to understand and agree to their program guidelines before enrolling, but you must also qualify in terms of what’s reporting on your credit report. If you have no “inaccurate, unverifiable, questionable, or obsolete” items reporting, then this company cannot help you. Nonetheless, they are willing to assess and assist you in determining that as approximately 99% of consumers’ credit reports do qualify.
(4) Dispute Strategies – AMB Credit is very different in how they dispute items on behalf of their clients. They use a variety & combination of strategic tactics to attack the inaccuracies on client’s credit reports and no two attempts are ever the exact same because no two situations are ever the exact same so all dispute plans are customized. Furthermore, they know how & when to be subtle or aggressive, adjusting to the situation as needed, on behalf of their clients and in order to get results.
(5) Beyond the Call of Duty – Unlike many other credit repair companies, AMB Credit Consultants do go over and beyond their contracted responsibilities. They are not one of those companies seeking to take your money only to put out the bare minimum effort while you receive the bare minimum results, if any at all. No! The services rendered here are always over & above the call of duty.
(6) True customer service at its finest – AMB’s goals are to under promise & over deliver. So when consumers enroll into & complete their program, this is one of the top attributes they associate with the company.
(7) Honorable Statistics – As of the date of this writing, no one has ever completed the program without having their credit scores increased by at least 100 or more points. Granted, this company will never promise such results as it is illegal to do so. But they will, however, always strive to assist their clients in achieving such results where ever there’s room within their legal and ethical power to do so.
(8) True Value at its Finest – Talk about quality versus cost – there is no other “legitimate” credit repair company on the planet who currently provides the quality of service compared to the extremely low cost of AMB Credit’s services – Period! Quality services such as these typically cost thousands of dollars from other legitimate name brand credit repair companies. In fact, the idiom “you get what you pay for” most definitely does NOT apply to the services of AMB Credit Consultants. For what this company charges, they should certainly be considered “over worked and under paid”! So if value and results are what you’re looking for, then you’re in the right place.
(9) The Go-To Source for other Credit Repair Companies – AMB Credit Consultants have even become the go-to expert for other credit repair companies that sincerely want to do the right thing to properly service their clients and give them good results. AMB now does a lot of back-end dispute processing for other credit repair companies in an effort to help ensure that all consumers have access to the same quality results that they achieve for their own clients. This is extremely powerful!
So in conclusion, AMB Credit Consultants is no scam! It is quite obvious that this is a legitimate credit repair company that American consumers can trust, depend on, and look to for professional and affordable credit repair services.
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